Project Description
Location: Ljubljana — city centre
Time of performance: april 2018
Performer: Pazi!park Association
Authors: Gaja Trbižan, Urška Kranjc
Photography: Luka Vidic
The project was performed in cooperation with the Scout group Gray Wolf with the support of Ladjica and Kibuba
In the Month of Landscape Architecture 2018, we have prepared an adventure game Watch out! Photo safaris for the youngest members of the Scouts of the Gray Wolf Family. With it, we wanted to encourage children to observe trees in the urban environment and to become more aware of the importance of trees, growth and green areas for living in cities. The game is designed as a photo safari; the participants went in groups for a walk along a predetermined circular path in the center of Ljubljana – along The Path of Trees, Not Only for Wood. The trail led them through parks, tree-lined avenues and individual trees, past green motifs and images that participants had to find, identify and photograph. The travel time and the number of discovered and photographed motifs were scored at the end of the journey. We also tested the newly acquired knowledge with three control questions.
The adventure game was attended by 5 aspiring groups, consisting of MČ and GG groups of Gray Wolf. The winning teams received great gifts from our sponsors: